Lead Horse Blog

A blog for all things digital marketing

In the competitive world of real estate, generating high quality leads can make — or…

Managing a Google Ads account can seem like walking a tightrope: do the right things,…

The way people shop for houses has changed dramatically in the last decade. Instead of…

Are you regularly asking yourself why you aren’t generating a regular flow of leads? For…

In late July, Amazon began rolling out an update to the Seller Central campaign manager….

As advertisers, we all most likely have a common problem when managing a Google shopping…

In the real estate world, leads are your bread and butter. Without them, you can’t…

Google Shopping is a powerful platform for growing your e-commerce business, but it can often…

An exciting month is right around the corner – one filled with fireworks, hamburgers and…

The way that people search online has evolved, and search engines like Google have grown…